Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone ^_^

Kat sini ade ckit info utk bantu cikgu2 diluar sane berkaitan dgn PBS.. I'm 3-years experienced english teacher yaw~! haha. A big shift from science biology student to english language teacher. And it have been 3 years since 2011. Awesome me!

English Form 1

Evidence B3 DT1 E1
Write a short note on how to make new friends in new school by using the guidelines below.

  • Be friendly – smile and laugh
  • Join clubs or activities at school – meet new friends 
  •  Invite people to do things together – reading books at library
  • Find friend with same interest – easy to get along with 

Benda yg baik lebih elok dikongsi bersama~~
Much love,
Miss Sue

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

my apology~


sue mintak maaf kepada kwn2 sue. i am really sorry. sorry. sorry. sorry. maaf. maaf. maaf. maaf.

sorry for all my misdoing~
sorry for everything~

i love u'ol~ =)

p/s: in Miri now. jaoh dri family. so sad. alhamdulillah msh diberi peluang utk hidup. live your life n makes new friends!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

OMG!! sarawak??

oh my Gucci!
posting ke sarawak??

apply kt kedah & penang but dpt kt sarawak..
hurmm..nothing much to say...

nnt kamek rindu sama kitak =(

bye2 frens... going to sarawak on this 8th feb 2011...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

entri byk gmba.sila lyn.

Salam semua.
Korg2 semua mesti akn rasa sgt teruja utk mendapatkan seorang baby bila tgk gmba2 kt bawah ni.
siyes cumelllll sgt2~
sampai sue sendiri pon da rasa nk baby cumell...=)
eeiiii geram!
cakap byk pon xguna.
jom kita layanzzz gmba budak cumelll niyh.
1. eeeiiii pewut muncittt....cumelll gerammmm gerammmm....

2. 0~0wh.. my baby..

3. vrooommmm...so adorable~

4. eeeeiiii cute nyer dyer mnum susu.....geget kang!

5. 0~0owh little angle falling down...

6. cumelllllllll~

7. makin beso makin cntekk...

8. teeeeeettt~ bhahahahaha
gmba xde motif. sila julingkan mata anda ke tempat lain =)

nota kaki::
aku nk ank2 aku nnt akn menjadi secumil bdk ini.
nama bdk ni MIA SARA NASUHA a.k.a AMANI lam citer ADAMAYA

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jom naik belon panas!

weeeehuuuu~ erlooooo...sy mao hapdate lg hari nih...

Ni lah belon2 yg panas2 itu..ni masa kt putrajaya...
ok2. kt bwh ni ada sedikit INFO mengenai aktiviti belon panas tersebut. sila lah membaca.

Kedah International Hot Air Balloon Festival 2010 kicks off May 28
ALOR SETAR: The sky here will be filled with colours when the inaugural Royal Kedah International Hot Air Balloon Festival 2010 kicks off on May 28 at Taman Jubli Emas, Suka Menanti, here.

At only RM10, members of the public will also get the chance to enjoy an exciting ride in a hot air balloon during the three-day festival.

The patron of the festival, Tunku Panglima Besar Datuk Seri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz Sultan Abdul Halim, said 10 hot air balloons from participating countries like New Zealand, Japan, Belgium, Thailand, France and Malaysia would conduct the rides for the public at two sessions -- 6.30am to 9am and 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

"Each balloon will float between 15m to 30m above the ground depending on the wind condition and its capacity. Each ride will take between 10 to 15 minutes," she told reporters after pre-launching the festival here today.

Stressing that such festival could promote the state as a must-see destination in Malaysia, she also hoped that it would eventually grow in prestige and be made a permanent feature in the state's annual tourism calendar. - Bernama

haaaa....kan best tuh....murah jek pon...Rm10 jek...tp make sure kalo korg nk g between 6.30-9am and 5.30-7.30 only yek..kalo g time laen xdpt la nk merasa naek belon pnas tuh nnt...=)

ok2. ni plak ada sedikit lagi INFO mengenai venue --> TAMAN JUBLI EMAS

Mercu tanda taman jubli emas, kedah..
siap ada muzik2 lg tau ayaq warna-warni niy...

selain drpd tu, tmn jubli emas ni jgk ada sk8 board
leh la try sapa2 yg bminat =)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

ibu RATU hatiku..

yeah... u deserved it mom! all mother in this world are SUPERMOMS~

ok2. sempena HARI IBU thn ni... sue nk bagi ucapan cikit lah... tp sblm tu nk nyanyi ckit....
engkau lah ratu hatiku......
bila ku berduka...engkau hiburkan selalu....
ok2..dah stop.
part 1.terima kasih mak.
terima kasih yg tidak terhingganya kpd mak yg telah membesarkan dan mendidik saya dari kecik smpai da besar skg ni... terima kasih sbb menjaga makan pakai duit cheq selama ni. terima kasih ats segala pengorbanan yg telah dilakukan. besar kecil yg nmpk yg xbpe nmpk smuanya cheq ucapkan terima kasih. thanks for everything~
sgt terharu+sedih bila tringat balik mcmana pengorbanan mak n family semua masa excident dulu (April 2006)...terima kasih mak...
part 2. sorry mak.
sorry mak ats semua kesalahan keterlanjuran kata yg kdg2 mengguris hati mak...cheq bkn sengaja tp kdg2 xtaw nape...cheq rasa mcm biasa je. tp bg mak lain plak...tapi xpe..cheq xkesah. cheq tetap syg mak.. biase ler tu...saja nk majuk ngn mak. pastu nnt mak pujuk blik. =)
sorry jgk kalo slalu mlas2 bila mak sruh wat tu wat ni..heee~
ampun byk2 mak...

i love u mak~

Friday, May 7, 2010